Monthly Talks

Our Next Monthly Talk

King John’s Queen: Isabelle of Angouleme

- Life and Times, Then and Now

An Illustrated talk by Carey Fleiner Isabelle of Angoulême (c.1188-1246) and wife to King John of England. Contemporary sources called her the ‘Helen of the Middle Ages’ and yet ‘more Jezebel than Isabelle. This talk considers the royal adventures of this formidable dame. Dr Carey Fleiner is Senior Lecturer in Classical (Roman) history at the University of Winchester.   King John's Queen

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Below are links  some of the previous talks:

The Long Bow and its Impact on the Battle of Agincourt, by Stephen Whelan. A Brief Introduction to Heraldry, by Malcolm Heathcote. The Battle of Waterloo, By Stephen Whelan. Behind the Scene at the Museum: A Glimpse of Artefacts in Store by Barbara Burbridge  Bare Necessities: A Talk on Victorian Ladies Underwear by Ruth King The Hundred – A Charles Burnett Film