
Hampshire Guild of Spinners, Weavers and Dyers 

We will be welcoming back our friends from the Guild every Thursday of August from 11am to 3pm.  If you have ever been interested in the processes of making cloth come and see and have a go.

Past Events:

Georgian Day


Medieval Pilgrims visit on Holy Saturday (8 April 2023)


Elizabethan Christmas at King John's House

We stepped back in time to Elizabethan England at the beginning of December 2022.  The time was 1580 a local merchant and his goodwife were at home in King John’s House. As Christmas  approached, they were preparing their celebrations but still working hard. Andrew Foster's wife, Barbara, came into town from North Baddesley, in search of her errant husband.  The merchant offered her hospitality but the food was not much to her liking and the building was very cold!    

October 2019 Romsey Story Telling Festival

King John's House took part in this festival with a full programme of storytelling spanning history, from the Vikings Tales to the telling of a life in the world of the early automobiles, we were enchanted and entertained with words from many eras

July 2019 Deeds of Arms

- a visit from this Eighteenth Century Naval Re-enactment Group


Vikings Invade King John's House

Temperatures soared at King John’s House on Tuesday 3 July when history students from St Edward’s School, Melchet Court, shared their knowledge of Viking weaponry and battle techniques with Year 3 pupils from Romsey Abbey School. On arrival, the Year 3 children were welcomed to King John’s House, which had been transformed into a Viking Long House, by Stephen Whelan and his small team of boys from St. Edward’s. In true Viking fashion the St. Edward’s team soon put Romsey Abbey pupils through their military paces with sword, shield and axe. They learnt to respond to Anglo-Saxon drill commands and create a strong and effective shield wall. Romsey Abbey pupils added to their good knowledge through some thoughtful questioning guided by their new Viking friends! The specially constructed ‘Viking Long House’ centred around the central hearth. Here hands on exhibits based on the gentler side of Viking domestic life could be found; Viking dress, typical Viking food and drinking horns and fire making kit provided all that was needed for basic survival. Vikings spent the long winter months feasting and storytelling and so the children enjoyed a gruesome saga about the antics of Thor given by Judy Gregory.  When the children return from their summer holidays, the Vikings will be their history topic for Year 4.  

 Regular Events


Season Tickets

  • Gold Season Ticket to include all normal talks: £20
  • Lifetime Ticket: £150

Attend talks and exhibitions all year round with one of our season tickets. Ask a member of the front of house team for more information on your next visit, or email us at

To see what's going on in 2024, check the calendar below or download the  2024 programme which comes out each quarter.

June - August 2024 Programme